July 28, 2010

Wednesday Morning!

OK, first Laura Maurer added the white medical tape to her already geeky glasses. Blaire loved it...can anyone figure that out?... since when do you strive to look geeky?

Last night went very well. She was able to keep her pain under control with the morphine.

She did get a little frustrated throughout the night, because the nurses had to keep waking her when she slept because her breathing would become too slow and shallow.

Today her breathing seems to be much stronger, she is feeling more pain and little aches over her body, so we know the anesthesia from the surgey has finally worn off.

Some number they are monitoring is a little low so they will be giving her some of the blood she donated earlier in the month to replenish what she lost. But Dr. Karlen came to visit and said she is right where he would like her to be, everything looks really good.

Today is a big day... the Physical Therapist will be in and Blaire will be sitting up. She will be able to eat and drink, though only apple juice and pudding to start.

If all goes well she will be moved out of ICU to a regular room by this evening and she can start having visitors!


Debbie said...

Love the glasses glad she is doing better heard the blanket turned out beautiful please take a picture so we can see it.
hugges and kisses
Aunt Debbie

Unknown said...

YEA!! So happy all is going well! We will come to see her soon!
Hugs- Carol, Sami and Sara

Unknown said...

Blaire... I heard about the dog... Grant told me :) So cool!

Cindy said...

Looks like none of my blogs posted. :(

You look great, Blaire! Love the glasses! You hang in there, you have lots of people praying for you and taking good care of you.

We love you,

Aunt Cindy and Uncle Ron, Steve, Jon, and Danny