July 26, 2010

The Night Before

Over the last month we have been busy preparing for tomorrow. Blaire has donated blood twice in case she has needed it, she has given blood for tests and has had all her check-ups.

Now there is nothing for us to do... it is in God's and the Surgeon's hands... Blaire is prepared, and is now sleeping peacefully in her bed.

About a month ago we attended a tour at Phoenix Children's Hospital where they explained every detail of what her surgery was going to entail. They showed her the rooms she would be in, and all the equipment that they would be using. It was very informative and helpful.

There were two girls at this tour who had undergone the same surgery. One of the girls, Giselle Arnold, just had the surgery one year before. She exchanged facebook information with Blaire and has been sending her comforting and encouraging messages throughout this month. What an amazing young lady she is. Thank you Giselle for all your support.

And Gina Brown has generously offered to keep Grant tonight, tomorrow and Wednesday so the rest of us can be at the hospital during Blaire's surgery... Grant was so excited to spend time with Tommy, and we are so grateful.

I am overwhelmed by all the offers to help, and believe me, Suzanne, Laura, Carol, Carol, Karen, Michelle, Sabrina, Delaine, Sarah and everyone else, I will call upon you if I need you. As of now just your support and prayers are enough.

Good night and God bless

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Couldn't sleep...praying for all of you..In Isaiah 41:10 it says, "So do not fear, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Words of comfort! Suz and I will see you tomorrow..Luv, Carol