July 27, 2010

Second Surgery Update

The nurse just came out again, and there is more good news. The rods have been installed and the spine has been straightened. The nurse does not know how straight her spine is, they will be taking another x-ray soon, but she thought it looked really good.

Now they will be doing a final tightening of all the screws and the vertebra fusing. This is when they take small pieces of her hip or rib bones and attaching them along side her vertebra.

Then they can close! The nurse thinks that the surgery should be over in about 1 to 1 1/2 more hours. The Surgeon will be coming out to see us then.

After that it will be another hour or so before we can see her in ICU.

We are so excited to see our precious Blaire. And we praise and thank the Lord that he is taking such good care of her.
Sorry for the graphic picture, but it is the one we were waiting for... Dr. Karlen is closing up her incision after all the work is done.