July 29, 2010

Blaire's progress on Thursday

Nushka, Elaine and Blaire start Blaire's walk. Blaire seems to be almost as tall as her sister now!

This morning, Blaire was visited by both her Surgeon, Dr. Karlen and her Anethesiologist, Dr. Tong. They are both so wonderful, and really seem to care about Blaire. Dr. Karlen is so pleased with her incision site, there has been no seepage from her incison except through the drainage tube. He wants to remove that tube tomorrow and replace the dressings.

The goals today were to remove the catheter, and get Blaire taking her pain medication orally. Nushka, her Physical Therapist came this morning and Blaire practiced sitting up, standing and walking to the bathroom, and sitting on the commode. Once she knew Blaire could do that, the catheter was able to come out. We were afraid that it would have to be replaced, when Blaire struggled for most of the day to pee on her own. The nurses gave her until 7 oclock this evening before they were going to have to replace it... Blaire finally was able to go about 6 oclock!

Nushka came back around 4:00 and Blaire, with Elaine's help, was able to take a long walk down the hallway to the waiting room and back. The goal was for her to repeat that walk this evening, and even farther if possible. But, when we started out, Blaire's back and neck muscles began to spasm, and she had to lay back down. Her pain level went to a 9. The nurse gave her valium, morphine and another nonnarcotic pain killer to stop the pain.

Another goal today was to get Blaire off IV pain medication and to oral only. However, probably because Blaire has not eaten a regular meal yet, the oral medication made her very nauseous, so we had to continue with the IV medication today.

The bright spots were her visitors today. A young lady from Blaire's Sunday School class who had this same surgery, Grace, came to visit with her mother. Brittney and Lynz from K & K came with a HUGE card signed by all her gym-mates at K&K. It is so cool and is now hanging in her room. Aunt Lisa and Lauren brought her balloons but they had to pop all the latex ones and only bring the mylar one in... I guess it is against the rules to bring latex balloons. But Blaire really appreciated the thought.

A lot have asked when they could visit Blaire. She is able to have visitors now, and looks forward to seeing all her friends.


Cindy said...

Good girl, Blaire!! You are doing great! Don't get discouraged with little set-backs! You're my hero!

Aunt Cindy

Janine Helton said...

Blaire your Aunt Delaine wrote:

We have been following your blog and are soooo thankful for the progress you have made. WOW! You have been through a lot!! It even made this old farm girl squirm to see the photos!! But the Nothums are a hardy bunch, so we know you will come through with shining colors. When Katia saw that your heiht has increased, she was summed as I think she kiles the "tallest girl" title. Will have to get your way and measure :-) Ha!

Delaine, Steve and Girls