July 27, 2010

Surgery Update

The nurse came out of the operating room a few minutes to go to let us know that the Surgeons are finished installing the screws in her vertebra. All of her vital signs look really good. And they are ordering a second x-ray.

This is great news for us, they install the screws so close to the spinal column, and because they monitor all her nerves, we know that the column was not touched during this phase.

Next they will be inserting the rods into the screws, then the process of straightening her spine will begin.

Thank you all our friends and family for your wonderful messages, texts and prayers. We are getting them all, and really appreciate everyone's offers of help and support.

Dr. Karlen prepares for surgery (red cap)

Dr. Karlen and Dr. Greg White worked together to install the screws.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Dear Blaire, Janine, Don, Elaine, and Grant,
We have been praying all morning and are so thankful that the surgery is progressing well. I wish I could be there to help out but please know that we are thinking about you!!!
We love you all and miss you!!

Ron, Cindy, Steve, Jon, and Danny