July 28, 2010

Last day in ICU

A lot has happened today. First thing this morning the Physical Therapist, Nushka, came in and helped Blaire sit up for the first time since the surgery. It was rather painful for Blaire, but she did it like a trooper! she wouldn't let us take a picture of her from the front because of the pain, but we got a really good look at her back. It looks so beautiful and even and straight! We are so pleased.

Because one of the numbers they were monitoring was low, the Doctor decided to infuse Blaire with one of the units of blood she had banked in the last few weeks.

Later that morning Tiger, a Phoenix Children's Hospital therapy dog came to visit Blaire. What a sweetie he was... and really smart too. His owner was such a neat man, also. Blaire really enjoyed cuddling with Tiger for a while.

Finally in anticipation of moving to a regular room, they removed some of the lines and tubes attached to Blaire. The IV in her neck was removed, along with the arterior line and a couple other monitors.

AND Blaire was moved to a regular room (102A for those who want to visit) about 4:00 today.

Still working on pain control (?????) but she is doing great! She is looking forward to having visitors tomorrow.


Cindy said...

What a cute little dog! What a terrific idea! Blaire, we are so happy that you are progressing so quickly! To get up and walk around after that extensive surgery is awesome! Keep up the good work and you will be home in no time!

We are praying that you have a very restful night and get lots of healing sleep. We are praying that Mom and Dad get some good sleep too so they are rested to help care for you tomorrow!

We love you!

Uncle Ron and Aunt Cindy, Steve, Jon, and Danny

Anonymous said...

Nushka was my therapist also. I was frustrated too... especially at night time and the nurses were busy!