July 27, 2010

Pain Management

Because it was hard for the Doctors to get Blaire to start breathing on her own, and even after she did start breathing, the breaths were short and shallow, the ICU Doctors did not want to start her on the morphine and valium as planned.

Her back pain began to increase until it was quite intense, so her anethesiologist felt she should be put on the morphine. He did not want the pain to get too intense, or it will be difficult for her to get it back under control.

They began the morphine, but it is not as a continous drip as planned, but will only be given if Blaire wakes up and presses a button.

They do not want to start the valium until her breathing has improved. She needs the valium to keep the muscles in her back from having spasms.

However, now her breathing has becoming even more shallow and uneven. So, until she has recovered from the anethesia a little more, it will be a balancing act between controlling her pain and keeping the medicine at a low enough level to keep her breathing adequately.


Unknown said...

Blaire... You are on my mind every minute....Constant prayers going your way... for pain to be under control...
Janine... Thank you for keeping us updated. It keeps me from calling every half hour. Stay strong. I'm here if you need anything.

Heidi said...

We pray down the healing power of Jesus on Blair. We pray that her breathing is normalizing and she is comforted with heavenly peace. We thank you Lord that you have amazing plans for Blair's life and that the Kingdom of God surrounds her and protects her.
Janine--Blair is bathed in prayer. love you--Heidi

Debbie said...

Finally got the blog page she looks good and i wish i was there with you all but i know granny will take good care of all of you. Give Blaire a big hugges and kisses from ky