July 27, 2010


We are in ICU.

We have seen Blaire move her legs and arms, and briefly open her eyes. She has woken up and complained of her discomfort, but then quickly fell back to sleep.

YAYYYYYYY! We are so thankful...

They want to keep her as sedated as possible today, and are closely monitoring her. She has so many tubes and drains and IV's and other equipment attached to her. It is quite amazing. But for now we are just thrilled to look at her and hold her hand.


Cindy said...

Praise the Lord! Her spine looks awesome! What a long day for you guys but we are praising God with you that everything went so well! Ron's family has been following the surgery with us all day and wanted to let you know that they are also praying for a quick recovery for sweetie Blaire!!

We love you!

Ron, Cindy, Steve, Jon, and Danny

Unknown said...

We are soo glad Blaire is doing so well and it is OVER! We will be praying that the pain will be manageable and she recovers quickly. We love her perky personality and great smile!!
love, the Sauders