July 27, 2010

The Human Pincushion

Things are calming down, though we are still struggling a little with the pain. She now has morphine, it is not at a constant drip, but Blaire can give herself some every ten minutes. She is also still not getting a steady flow of the valium, but the nurse has given her one dose to bring down the pain. As Blaire's breathing continues to improve, things are getting easier.

I thought I would talk about all the cables, tubes and equipment attached to our little girl.
First, second and third; Blaire has three different IV's. She has one in each hand and a third in her neck.

Fourth through seventh; Blaire has four different monitoring devices: one is one her finger that measures her oxygen saturation. Another is in her artery and it measures her blood pressure constantly. She has two monitors stuck to her chest to measure her heart rate, and a blood pressure cup which periodically measures her blood pressure.

Eighth and ninth; she has an oxygen mask to give her the extra oxygen she needs, and her button which she can press to give herself her pain medications.

Tenth; she has these inflatable stocking devices on her legs to keep the blood to her legs circulating.

Eleventh and twelth; she has a drain from her back incision, and a catheter because she cannot get up to go to the bathroom.

Phoenix Children's Hospital is an amazing place. Because they do so many of these surgeries, the Surgeons, Anethesiologists and nurses are experts in what they do. Though I had my anxious moments today, I never doubted she was in the best hands possible.

I am definitely praying for a quiet night... we could all use it!


Anonymous said...

I remember all this equipment, I didn't notice it all until it was off! Good luck! -Giselle

Unknown said...

You are doing such a good job keeping us up to date! Praying you will have a peaceful night. Sara wants me to say "I hope you feel better! Be well soon! You are so brave! I am proud of you!"

Hugs from Carol and Sara :o)(Sami, too)