October 27, 2010

Three months later... Amazing difference

Blaire had her 3 month follow-up with her surgeon on October 14th. Dr. Karlen took new xrays today, and said everything looks great. She is still standing a little off center, but that is normal. Her brain has not figured out her new center yet, but the scar is fading, and the back looks strong and straight. Dr. Karlen then asked Blaire what she wants to do. Blaire stated that she wants to cheer again. And Dr. Karlen said, "What is important to you is important to me, go ahead and start cheering and tumbling again." As a parent that really scares me, but we have complete confidence in Dr. Karlen. He told Blaire to listen to her body and take it slow to start, but except for tackle football, she is released to do anything she wants.
The Lord really knows how to time things, the Dr. appointment was on a Thursday, and on Monday cheer tryouts for her school, Mohave Middle School, began. She helped with the tryouts, made the team again and will be one of the co-captains for this year. Even two month ago she would have never dared to hope she would be healed enough to cheer on her school team. She is now going to K&K and dancing with her teammates on her competitive cheer team. She has lost all flexibility in her back, of course, but she is determined to get her tumbling; back handsprings, round-off back handspring tucks and standing tucks. While I am nervous, I am so proud of her determination to re-learn these skills, no matter how discouraging it can be.

1 comment:

Matthew said...

I am facing a triple fusion on my lower back. It looks like you have recovered really well. I am very happy to see that. I... Well, I'm 31. I hope I can recover even remotely as well.

Here is mine. I'm alone on mine. I don't really even have a place to stay after mine. (As of now) I have high hopes.
