April 25, 2011

Nine Months and counting. . . April 25th

It has been nine months since the surgery. We went back to see Dr. Karlen last week and he once again took xrays. Everything still looks wonderful, and Blaire is standing nice and straight now, her body has adjusted to her new straight back. Blaire's scar is fading very well, and she has gained back all 9 pounds plus a few more. She moves naturally, and though she cannot arch her back, seems to still have a lot of flexibility. And Dr. Karlen said that she will gain even a little more flexibility over the next few months.

She really was concerned with her cheer and tumbling, and though she is still struggling with standing back handsprings because of her lack of back arch, her back tucks are beautiful. Her competitive cheer team went to Las Vegas last week and she was given two tumbling passes in the routine. She also went on the roller coaster at New York, New York, and the movement did not bother her back at all.

She has contacted Phoenix Children's Hospital and volunteered to go to attend some spinal surgery tours this summer so she can be an encouragement and a source of information for others preparing to have this surgery.

One of her best friend's Lizzie also has scoliosis, and her doctor is Dr. White. Lizzie's scoliosis has progressed to a point she must now wear a back brace. Blaire is so pleased she can be an encouragement for her friend, and so thankful that all of this; the worrying, the back braces, and even the surgery is behind her.

Life is good again. Thank you Lord for your healing power and for the skill you gave our wonderful surgeons.

January 27, 2011

SIX MONTHS later... January 27th

Today was a very exciting day for Blaire. She was practicing with her competitive cheer team, K&K.
When she got into the car, here is what she said. "Mom, it is so weird. Today is my 6 month anniversary from my surgery, and tonight Karlee (her coach) gave me a tumbling pass in our next competition. I am doing a round-off back tuck." She is so excited. She admitted to me, "I was afraid I would never be able to tumble again. I prayed and prayed I would, and tonight, God answered my prayers."
I am so humbled by God's healing power and love for His children. I know this is a insignificant accomplishment in the scope of life, but it was so very important to Blaire.