August 20, 2010

August 20... Blaire Returns to School

What a difference in Blaire's pain. She is now quickly making progress, and has gone from wishing her pain would just go away to wishing she can get back to doing the things she loves. She returned to school for the first time today. She only made it through 3 periods, but it is a great sign she is returning back to her old life. She went to K&K Wednesday evening for a short time to visit her friends. It exhausted her, but she was so happy. Even the awful pain that comes back every night when she tries to sleep cannot take away her happiness at "getting her life back." I pray that she continues to improve.

August 17, 2010

August 17 Update

We have continued to struggle with maintaining Blaire's pain. It is so heartbreaking to watch her suffer. Yesterday, she also had extreme pain in her stomache. We took her to her regular doctor who, because the pain was located near her appendix, sent us back to Phoenix Children's Hospital Emergency room. We were definitely not happy to have to be going back, but Dr. Karlen stopped by and raised her spirits. The emergency room doctor decided that she should be admitted and monitored throughout the night. She was in a lot of pain, and very dehydrated. Another IV began to give her some morphine for the pain and lots of fluids. By last night, after so long, we finally began to see Blaire's normal happy personality began to emerge. By this morning she felt better than she has since the surgery. For the first time she told me she was hungry and wanted to eat. This trip back to the hospital may be just what she needed to put her on the right path of recovery.

August 13, 2010

UPDATE 2 weeks post surgery

Sorry, for the delay in an update. Also, there are no pictures, Blaire does not want me to take any pictures of her right now.

We have continued to be very worried about Blaire's recovery. She has had to continue to take the pain medicine at a maximum level every 4 hours to keep the pain in her back under control. Because of this she is always sleepy and lethargic.

She has no appetite, and is often nauseous, so she has lost about 9 pounds since the surgery. She is now almost 5 foot 7 inches tall and weighs only 95 pounds. She is skin and bones.

She had her first post-operative appointment with her surgeon today. The nurse told me confidentially that Blaire's pain 2 weeks post surgery is the worst that she has seen.

Her surgeon is very happy with the healing of her incision. She had another set of x-rays taken, and everything looks really good. Her back is so straight and flat. There is no infection, and everything is healing great inside.

However, he told her that he is worried about her weight loss, and her pain. He took her off the pain medication Codeine and put her on Percacet. He is hoping that this pain will begin to recede in the next few days.

We are praying that this change in pain medicine will help her be more comfortable, and that her back will heal to a point that the pain begins to go away soon.

She is discouraged and scared. She just wants "her old life back." She wants to go to school, church and cheer and hang with her friends.

Please pray for her to be encouraged, and that she will turn the corner on her recovery soon.

We love you all.